Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Beginning

In the sphere of darkness, with the flow of fresh air on the carpet of an empty road surrounded by the green belt of trees tuned in the music of rustling leaves busy in hide and seek with the goddess of air, under the sprinkles stars the road was drummed with the sounds of steps. The sounds were patterened in an order of perplexity with the flute of echoing insects. The road wasn't naive to the beats of steps. The yellow belt on the side of the road were the mark line of the steps. The tranquility of the path was disturbed with the shrieking rustles of the paper which were in the hands of the person who at that time crowned the silence with some music of hustles. His face covered with the grass of few patches in the form of brownish white hair forming a look of a man like music maestro. The files were clutched as if they are the decree of his eternal life. Eyes framed like balls thrushed in someone's face mercilessly. traffic-less road, natural melody, resplendent charm of the breeze, and the kingdom of darkness. Thoughts free from the misery of world, nerves busy in the parade of composing the ideals of life and eyes....abruptly squeezed with the lites of a rushed cab apearing from no where...
 The days of childhood in the orchards of peace and tranquility, the crying day on the threshold of school, the winning day of prize with the smile of heavens on his face, the maternal kiss on the forehead, the hand which grabbed like an emotion of eternal, the day of holding the arm of his siblings, love like feelings for a maiden with naughty smile, the feeing of first love with the diction of repeated sentence "can't live without you," the crocodile tears of broken heart which got healed in a week with the repeated notion of "without you genre" the ceremony of graduation with a straight head plunging with the pride of future business tycoon, a debut for the series of interviews for his job with the curse of disappointment, tear filled eyes and hand holding the job letter, blessed love of being a married man with hopes of happiness, the traveling expedition and the last thing due to which drop of tear decorated his corners of eyes was his son newly guest in the corridors of the world. All these floated in his mind in splash of seconds when he encountered that rushing cab realising the departure from this world. His mind lost in the memories of his life in the world.
The cab rushed closely by him and he disturbed the grass floated on the earth with his falling jerks. Eyes closed, mind numb, breath sharp, movement stagnant as dead man. Lost in the valley of fear he was nowhere. His eyes glimpsed darkess of shining eternal bless. With the sound of a barking dog, suddenly he realized his alive state in the world looking here, there and upwards with a sigh of relief. Renovating his memory, he sensed he escaped death in the inches of life. The cab bestowed him a life of new begining by turning abruptly..

Friday, October 1, 2010

Physics: For Pakistani Student

I always perceive worse for those who enumerated the laws of physics. To splash into the pool of physics, for me is such as to curse oneself with no specific reason. Physics is in fact a very boring subject for me and may be for many students who share my point of agenda.
                Physics is about uni-verse in which there is nothing apart from the graves of gravity, which Newton discovered and now we are facing the music of physic-o-phone. Physics is about current through which the tutors are magnifying our heads instead of blushing our souls. Physics displays the power of magnets which are turning us into “mad-nuts.” Physics enforces the law of forces which is applied without law and are deep now into our minds. Physics is the connotation of friction which never allows us to act or react in our class as well as in the lab-oratory for girls. Physics explored the nuclear weapons due to which we are now standing on the verge of death angles. Besides all these side-broad effects, how we perceived physics when the teacher cum dictator delivered lectures without having any specifics of A, B, C of physics, provided us with the knowledge of some physics laws which we took it as listed below:
                While studying “Newton’s law of gravity,” I was wandering like a lonely soul that physics would have been much easier, “if tree had fallen on Newton’s head instead of an apple.” Neither he would have to waste the blossomed sparks of his mind nor would we have to tol-e-rate his logical based illogical laws. Beside the topic of “Newton’s law of gravity” there is another law due to which we are living a life of utter dejection. That low law is named as “law of inertia”. Alas! Life would have been so adorable and without tensions of learning physics if Newton would have secured death while driving a car. But... The angel didn’t confront him to hug him and he proceeded with his research. Nevertheless, I am against all the ci-deviant teachers of English and those who are now ruling the edges of rostrums, who gave an old adage that “as you sow, so shall you reap”. Newton formulated these laws but now we are bearing and experiencing then. He is enjoying his eternal abode but for us, he flourished a well with no water but only tensions of laws and such useless things. I will on my part never ever forgive him for spoiling the life of such innocent students.
                Furthermore, while studying the topic of current, I fancied that how mesmerizing it would have been if the current had induced in the wire without any switch and it may have directly spurted out the teacher’s soul into heaven. It was not hate for our venerable teacher but our sympathy with him.  In short, we tolerated physics for five years with sleeping eyes and slept minds in our class, but now I merely can understand physics more than any subject because I learnt it in the realm of enjoyment.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dwell of Surprises..

Stars were exploring the belt of sky in the covers of black night with a white blot expressing the emotions of those who were looking at this blot spreading its lightness on every sphere of the world. The blow of breeze was static in nature neither adorable nor abhorring in its composition. For the lights in the street were in blended form: poor absorbing the pleasure of candle, mediocre of that in the shades of lamps whereas rich one’s with their white lights nourishing the whole surrounding in which they have forgotten the miseries of outer world. In the rainbow of lights which was the sole jewel of the locality many people were living their own lives either under the covers of joys and various on the verge of only breathing for the lives with their dear ones. Conditions of families were beyond the line of poverty and sorrows; their lives compass was projecting an angle of inaccuracy. Some were struggling, few passing their time on the paths of dreams, various on the corners of dreadful visions, and only two in the lives of their own, in the beats of their hearts, on the channels of their souls without any fear for the sorrows, beyond the emotion of being sad, far above the feeling of poverty but for each other solely.
            Hayat and Zara: two entities but made for the worries of one another without the sacred satanic emotions of envy, jealousy, hatred and dejection. Their life was nowhere different from the prospects of others sharing the neighborhood with them but their way of life: splendid. After the day when their nuptial knot was knotted with the strings of feelings and affection both of them on both major and minor occasion surprised each other keeping in mind the desires and happiness of one another. With blind words they expressed their affection for each other now and then. Such was an occasion when Hayat was lost in the mind cycles that how to blow up the day and splash the happiness on the face of his life-soul, Zara. All his strength of thinking was focused now on the plans of creating an aura of smiles, joys and closeness. Hayat was wandering in the thoughts of his beloved who was nothing for others but everything for him. Two things deceived his nurturing power of emotions for Zara: her birthday and his helpless poverty. While he was involved in his game of planning, his wife Zara was sitting in front of a broken mirror which was a symbol their married life with blots of dust on it. Zara’s focus was projected on her dress which she wore on every birthday after her marriage and which was the only symbol of her living condition. She tried to make her husband and her soul-partner on every occasion in her sphere of life.
            For in the memory register of Hayat, only two days were of utmost importance: the day he met her and 2nd August on which God revealed her on the face of earth for him as his life partner in future. Every year, he celebrated her birthday in versatile way beside his poor condition. After their marriage, five years and each year devised aesthetically. First year: with a piece of cake and flower, second year: anklet made of flower with a sweet, third on a cliff in rain with a shawl, fourth in the smiles of tea. All years flashbacked in his thoughts in seconds and tear blurred his eye balls. In rush he ornamented his face with smile as Zara entered the room after dressing up.  With curls of hairs on her right shoulder, smile floating on her lips, eyes down fixed on her hands, and ecstatically covered with maroon sari, Hayat was all stunned, aesthetically lost in her genre, and eyes fixed on her vision, he was all helpless and speechless in respect of her beauty to utter a word. His words got blurred; his mind postured on Zara and heart in prayers to God. She placed her self in front of her and sprinkled drops of water on Hayat to get him back in the world of reality in front of him. In moments he was reminded of the day and his hand flowed straight to his pockets which later appeared with two candles. Lighted both the candles in front of her and produced a piece of paper to her after reading of which Zara’s tears took much time to stop as she was overflowed with emotions. The piece of paper presented Hayat’s affection for Zara and which was written in the shape of such words: “On this day, words and expression are seeking some path to bless you with such prayers, wishes, happiness, beatific smiles, priceless gifts so that it may arouse as the best in your life forever..This is a day on which God bestowed this earth with such a person who bears with affection the feelings of love, adoration, friendship, commitment, sincerity and devotion with care. This day defines all your these attributes in true meanings and you deserve the best on this day as you are the beholder of such tranquil personality with no match. Happy birthday with a wish that your beauty surpass the ledges of everyone's heart, your smile be thrones every individual on and off your surroundings, your care nourishes everyone’s heart, and especially your hair allows me to get drown in the pool of foams. On this day, may God mark your life with the shield of happiness, success and smiles so that the rest of the year welcomes you in the best of its laps and traps. God bless you. Happy Birthday...”

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fear in disguise

He stepped on the threshold of his flat placing his shoe on something while opening the lock of the door. He moved his feet forward due to which fraction of paper with flour produced a sound throwing the paper to the other side of the corridor. Sound attracted his acoustic senses and he leaned back to observe the reason of sound which fluted from his moving shoe in seconds.  His eyes got fixed on a piece of paper and he moved forward to pick it up as it shaped as letter flapping it up and down to guess the inner core content of the letter as the envelope was with out any title due to which curiosity delivered its norms in the mind of AADRISH.  With beating heart he stepped back into his room and used the top of T.V for his keys, wallet and other minor unimportant belongings which reigned his pockets for years in his life. He avoided following his routine which has been in his veins for decades and attempted with shivering hands to open the envelope. He did and some pearls of sweat crowned his forehead for seconds of his life.
“Better step back.” the only three words inked in the circle on white paper. his face turned pale as he knew the consequences of such threat which was the output of one of his proposal which he sent to a person of means in the locality. Silence prevailed inside and out side of his surroundings. Heartbeats pumped atypically. For his mind was now focused on the sort mirrors of consequences as fear elaborates many hidden things in one’s mind and in the same scenario he was now spell bounded.   Slowly wrapped the paper and placed it back in the envelope of threats and laid upside down in his bed focusing on the whole incident of how he got involved in the situation of bad lucks.  Each and every moment sprinted in his nerves and he casted the moments which he once cherished. While he was in the valley of fears, threats, terror, worries and such emotion which led to miseries, his senses went off into the chapters of sleep.
Darkness and silence with sounds of insects flourished the occasion of night in the valley and area which surrounded his flat. With the thoughts of threats he tried to play hide seek with his fear and involved himself in reading his lines which once were penned in the days of his early immature life. In the mean time  when his eye balls were rolling on the lines of paper his attention got diverted with the sound a car and the persons who jumped from the car were uttering his names loud. “Here’s Aadrish flat.” “He dwells here.” “Knock the door.” “ask him about his intentions.” All these sounds directly struck his eardrums from the holes of the wall and the empty square in the wall decorated with window. His heart throbbed, he felt as if something improper is going to happen with him and many things flashed back in his brain in flip of seconds.  All what he was capable of doing was to just wait for the knock and face the persons who were yelling loudly about him in front of his flat.  The door produced his invitation to face his fate and he opened the door. He shook the hand with pumping heart and asked the reason of their visit. While talking to them all he did was thinking about the means how to rescue himself from the attacks as he was sure these persons are the reality of that threat. Surmounted with such thoughts abruptly his face delivered a ray of smile and satisfaction with sighs of alleviation. With the segments of excuses they departed as they were looking for some aadrish who worked with them and he was about to leave with them to his home town and his friends came here to his flat considering him the same person. Aadhrish surprised on the tale of this coincidence which marked in his life another day of terror.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pakistan: A short synopsis

Pakistan, a country which shares in its depth historical touches with the most ancient civiliza-tion who spread their set rules and traditions in the whole of Indus region. The greater Indus region was home to one of the four most ancient civilization on face of earth. The discovery made by the archaeologists in the twentieth century reveals the culturally rich and well planned town of Mohenjo-Daro - hub of Indus civilization. Similarly, Takshashila (current day Taxila) is ranked among one of the oldest uni-versities in the world. The Ghandara civiliza-tion also thrived and prospered in the current day Pakistan.
The riches of this land invited many warriors throughout its history from Greeks led by Alex-ander the great to Arabs-inspired by young Mohammad bin Qasim to Turks, Afghan and the British Raj.
The dawn of Nineteenth century rose with the manifestation of the British India which contin-ued until the mid of the twentieth century. Un-der the leadership of Jinnah, the Muslims of subcontinent struggled for their freedom, the dream of which touched the realization on 14th August 1947.
The cultural history of Pakistan dates back to pre-historic age which is traced to archaeologi-cal culture of the Lower Paleolithic.. With pas-sage of time, the land has seen the rise and fall of some of the most magnificent and highly well developed civilization of the history. It was in the current day Pakistan where the Mehrgarh and Indus Civilization have blossomed and withered.
Pakistan culturally manifests vastness, simplic-ity, legacy and the attributes of being marvelous in nature. It is culturally homogeneous with the heritage of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis and Ba-lochis each of them with their own versatility. The scope, history, sophistication and complexity of the culture are vast.
In the Punjabi clan of culture Punjabi Philoso-phy, poetry, spirituality , artistry, music, cuisine, military warfare, architecture, traditions, values and history are in the praisal list. Pushtoon cul-ture associates its linkage with the Persian tradi-tion of south and central Asia explicit in their traditional dances, literary styles and music. Sindi-with its roots in Indus civilization with language, folklore, traditions, customs and life-styles which make them different and unique in the region. Baloch portrays a uniqueness in in their cuisine, culture, faithfulness and hospital-ity. They are enriched with tribal diversity, music and social values with the genre of culture in relation to their land and climate.
Pakistan can certainly be described as the unex-plored frontier with its diverse range of attrac-tion ranging from the ancient civilization of Mo-henjo-Daro, Harappa and Taxila to the north where uniquely three of the world most famous hill ranges meets namely Himalaya, Kara-korum and Hindukash. Pakistan is home to 5 out of 13 worlds 8000+ meters mountains including K2(second only to Mount Ever-est) and Nanga Parbat (Killer Mountain). The valleys of Chitral and Hunza houses the cultural traces of Alexander the great. The Siachen glacier, meadows of Swat (known as Switzerland of East), beaches of Arabian sea, landscapes of Punjab, the de-sert of Thar and the barren Khyber Pass highlights the diverse tourist attractions.
Pakistan splendidly exhibits some of the Mughal architecture in various shades on which they emancified their expertise. The shades angles in Lahore fort for its sterility, Peshawar fort for its vastness, Badshahi Mosque for its red intarcia walls and domes decoration, and Shalimar Garden for its Persian Islamic styles.
Pakistani cuisines express in utter diversity its nautical flavor and rich aromas. With the versatility in culture, Pakistani cuisines pro-vides the significant taste of different re-gions for which the parts of Punjab and Sindh are spicy in nature representing the wallop of South-Asia with the aroma of Sarsoon ka Saag, Makai ki Roti, Nihari, Paya, Nan and Biryani. Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa, Baluchistan, Gilgit and Kashmiri cuisines are ambrosial with char-ismatic range of Haleem, Pulao, Kabab, Kofte along the traditional deserts of Kheer, Gulab Jamun, Shahi Tukray, Qulfi and Ras Malai, the most sheer in taste.
A castle of religions  with four shades : Muslims, christians, hindus, and sikh. Pakistan; A land of cultural spectrum projecting various colours. Its people featuring different ethnicities and beliefs, projects a unique view of unity. Pakistan delivers an idea of young, lively and broad culture to the world as the youth represents their country in all fields of life: Magical articrafts, austere design for life, romantic aroma of surroundings, ambrosial cuisines of rural and urban tastes are the conjuring aspects one finds on this land. In celebrations, Pakistan reflects versitality: Religious festivals and unified national festivals. Spring festival shares variety of shads; on land, colors of fashioned people, fragranance of jubilation in the air, a sky with crowned rainbow kites, musical sounds, food serves and animal shows reflecting richness of customs. with the inspirational touches of sufi poet ameer khusro, Pakistan's music flutes various tones of ragas, fusion of pop and classical genres. Pakistan exhibits all varieties of seasons and lands: vastness of deserts, gigantic ranges of mountains, lushness of landscapes, hot degrees of summer, foggy winters, adventurous routes in the rugged hills with lots of attracting opportunities inviting every individual to discover the hidden secrets of this Land.
Weddings in pakistan spreads a maxim of unification as people shares same history with one another. Weddings in pakistan usually lasts for three charismatic days and nights: Mehndi, barat. walima. Each night with different touch; On Mehndi, palms of maidens designed with mehndi, embroided yellow and green attire of females, lads in traditional kurtas, night enlighted with candle, petals as carpet for the guests, bride and groom on stage with blend of smile and shy, dances on the tunes of traditional and modern music sparks the night of Mehndi. Barat is the manifestation of dark colours especially red, an occasion to serve the guests with cultural cuisines, a day of departure for bride to her groom's, moments of  both gloom and happiness for bride's family, and new life for the groom's. Walima, an occasion for the bride's family to visit the groom's, a day of joy for both families with colors of fraternity, closeness, and family bondings.
in games, Pakistan exhibits numerous types whether linked with international or traditional sports both with passion and patience. officially Hockey is the national game; crowned with world cup quarterly in the annals of sports. Along with hockey, cricket is nation's unofficial national sport famous in every corner of the country which is the game of all ages; once the champions as well. Pakistan is many times champions in the courts of Squash with the rackets of Jansher khan and Jahangir khan. Internationaly in snooker, Pakistan's Muhammad Yousaf titled himself to be the world champion.Traditionally in local games, pakistani community portrays many sides of sports on the shores of various ethnic sides. Polo on the heights of shandur, guli dhandha in the streets of localities, camel race on the sand of deserts, buffalo's race on the fields of fertility with adhere zeal and enthusiasm.
On the verge of words, this synopsis can best be concluded with one sentence which defines every genre of Pakistan: A country with the blends of love, peace and fraternity; Land of historical diversity;  and with nation of rich thoughts. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

When Fathers Reign the Kitchen.......By: Mudassir Ali

On the face of mother earth, every individual is alleviated in the shape of two emotionaly worshipped bodies: Father and the heavenly gift by the sustainer; Mother. Each continent explores different shades for these affinities. Keeping the length to southasia in particular to my self, Father is hierarchially an unofficial king of the house where as mother shares stratum of distincts to her partner; a servant alias wife. With the naive cry which I fluted from my oral cavity after the moment of my birth, I found my mother in the walls of kitchen and affairs of pity house holds. Her shouts on insane behavior from her kins, the caring attitude of mother, the godliness in her cleaning stuff,  and her ruling tracts on the floor of my house are the things which I always observed in my sane presence.
For times, I at home always imagined my father being in kitchen without the wings of reality and one day this fancy alias imagination led to reality when my father tried to make and serve tea to us in the absence of my mother. In those seconds of sheer delight, I just counter assumed myself  to an observer. with soft hands and high hopes of a tasty tea , he stepped on the threshold of kitchen. Ignited the fire like his pride and googled for the kettle throwing some of utensils in every corner of the kitchen. Keeping his hands off his back, he inspected the ratio of fire twice every minute and waited anxiously the water to boil. Smile stretched his lips, when he observed the volume of water volcano rising to the head of kettle, on the spoon of tranquility he stirred the sugar of happiness that he is performing an enormous task, tea leaves for the color of austerity and milk for the purity of his hard-work without any adulteration of emotions or material. Later on, as for tea cups are obligatory and he placed it on the dining table with two broken in the dishwasher. While organizing the table he realized he is forgetting something and rushed towards the kitchen like a furious warrior and tried to extinguish the fire resulting in a jolt to the stove which unfortunately occurred with the splash of tea on his arms and our two hours with a skin specialist in a near by hospital.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


For many in the history of mankind certain terms must have attained their attention either in elaborate terms or in many fixed definition where the approach varies according to the situation. In all these definitions and terms, the most vibrant among all is the pattern title of ‘Globalisation.’ Many definitions have been provided to extract the main theme of its implications but the most authentic one can be referred to as from the world bank. In the categorical diction of the world bank, Globalisation manifest itself as “The growing integration of economies and societies around the world and an inevitable phenomena in human history which brought in closed contact the world through exchange of goods, products, information technology and overall the culture.”

Globalisation in today’s world is in short the strengthened hand for better economy and in developing economy of a country to far hands two leading institutes of the world are in full pace named as IMF and World Bank. These two leading financial institutes are changing the structure of globalisation. On flapping the pages of world history, the collapse of soviet bloc provided an amun opportunity to its rival arch the position to rule and manage the world economy. With the passage of time, the process of globalisation has been implemented, strengthened and promoted through these two head economical institutes of the world. Amor Sarr, in very low tone commented over the status of these institutes which are playing strong key role in the globalisation phenomena that these institutes are not for mere profit, but their main profit is to control the global south, G-8 natural resources, land, labor and markets. The situation reflects the deregulation of global economy market, information technology in trade, banks, broad cast media and telecommunication.

When the lashes of 20th century witnessed the dawn of new era, it experienced many changes ranging from environment to the great wars. The process of globalisation is different which is happening today from that of early times. In today’s globalisation it involves geographical changes as well as certain other international activities as like the interdependence and interconnection of world economy globally. Economy wise globalisation is effecting the lives of poor, the people of developing countries. It is not for poor, not for environment, not for economic stability of poor people and developing countries but it is only for the rich.  At the dawn of twentieth century, history witnessed many changes of hybrid characteristics in mankind but they were not new as mankind has been involved in the process of interaction for so long through out the history but today’s globalisation is different due to its rapid speed due to various reasons on the hit list which is connectivity. Internet has revived the shape of globalisation sometimes in the shades of rules and on many occasion devoid of having any rules. For the following reasons no one can assess its impact on culture, politics, economy, finance, ecology, and the utmost human socio-psychological environment. Hobs Bann commented on these changes as “Globalisation means wider, but not necessarily equal, accurate for all, and will lead to an increased disparity between the haves and have not's.”  In today’s world incase to resist the process they give it the name of nationalism, fundamentalism and many other such ‘isms.’ For many globalisation benefits and for so many it fits in the word of befall.  In today’s world globalisation is not new but the speed which it has gained is new having an acceleration for better global economy capital. 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Friend- Dost.. A Translation..

[The said article appeared in Express written by Javaid Chaudry in Urdu]
After getting through the hard paths of exams for her as she belonged to a family who were hand to mouth, she stepped into the merit list of medical college. She shared her ancestral veins with the soil of Mianwali. In her class, two students comparted two benches who were a bookmark for their friendship. One may provide them the names MAZHAR and AMJAD. Both were intelligent, hardworking, and on occasion, they have grabbed the top positions respectively. In the category of intelligentsia and workaholic attributes, both were likewise but in the genre of personality, they expressed oxymoronic qualities. Personality wise MAZHAR was on the mark benches of beauty where as AMJAD reflected the fancy of being normal in comparison to his friend. They stepped into the medical college, where they received the company of female students and it was the moment when the war of silenced envy commenced in between them. MAZHAR grabbed enormous attention from the opposite sex where as the position with AMJAD was slightly different. So with that, the seed of envy placed itself easily in the heart of AMJAD for his friend MAZHAR. With slow pace, the seed gained the personae of a tree and at the verge, the fire of jealousy erupted in its full swing. MAZHAR considered everything as before and didn't judge the swift in the attitude of AMJAD. MAZHAR was due informed by his fellows regarding the up brought changes in his friend but he didn't heed much towards their remarks and floated in the belief of being best friends as ever. here, I would apply some breaks to my pen before entering into the details of that woman's issue and would try to explain the chemistry of "jealousy." "Jealousy" is that kind of human emotion which in the early stages invades the capability of hard work in human. Overview the jealous stricken people of the world, they would always be found in a state of laziness and its world's reality that envied persons never works hard. Why? Here I would flip back towards the story line of that lady. With AMJAD the same scenario occurred, he got clutched in the turmoil of jealousy and avoided hard work. For the whole day, he planned of destruction for MAZHAR, in the process of wandering thoughts, exams ruled and he received the news of being failed. MAZHAR felt dejected over the failure of his friend but AMJAD excused him as his reason of being failed. AMJAD listed pity of MAZHAR as his cunningness and hypocrisy. the situation prevailed in the same context for the next year and AMJAD was expelled from the college as his result projected the stamp of "failed." with his belongings, he went straight back to his village, where as MAZHAR topped the session for his third consecutive space and proceeded in fast pace towards the valley of success. At village, AMJAD'S jealousy erupted with revenge and vengeance.  For MAZHAR, AMJAD still crafted the vision of friendship, but with AMJAD, the elements of "foe-synonyms" paved its way and then arrived the night on which fates changed for both.MAZHAR was on his way back to Lahore and that was only in the knowledge book of AMJAD. MAZHAR'S village was on a slight distance from the road due to which people often traveled to the village from road by foot.
            On the same night, MAZHAR stopped on the road and AMJAD was there to receive him. They proceeded towards their village. On their way, a deserted place ignited the emotions of AMJAD'S envy, and he grabbed the pistol, shouted and leveled six bullets in MAZHAR'S chest. That the third stage AMJAD'S jealousy, on which a human shapes to be guilty and that's what AMJAD was. What happened at the end of this incident, MAZHAR lost his life and AMJAD was waiting for his doom, where their village lost two incredible doctors. This incident was narrated to me via letter by that lady and she inquired at the end, who is the killer of both these incredible?
            In my opinion, Envy was their killer. "Hard work" is the blessed gift from Allah for the human. "Human being" is such a creature of Allah almighty, that he never stops hard work, struggle and he tries in what ever he is being hanged to. Have you ever noticed those persons who loose parts of their bodies in a "bomb blast" but still they believe in the notion of struggle. Their hands amputated and still they struggle converting their elbows in hands. What would any one suggestion the definition for that?? that's the great zeal of human psyche for hard work which never confronts defeat but its the feeling of envy which flashes the embers of jealousy and burst the emotion of hard work in a human.
            You must have observed some animals, whenever they follow their opposite sex for mating and if in the mean time, the opposite gender chooses her male partner, the rest departs peacefully. the following case is opposite in the matters of human, he adopts the notion of revenge, in his anger and vengeance, he sprinkles acid on the face of ladies, or in certain cases, kills their fiancĂ©e's. All these are the outputs of ENVY therefore I think envy is the most dangerous and strong emotion of human psyche. This is such an emotion which erases the beliefs, creed and mercies of an individual and here I would like to quote a very interesting belief. In the history of human being to date, those who are wearing the crowns of success in their lives have ruled in reality their emotion of envy. just over view from EDISON to EINSTEIN, and ABRAHAM LINCLON to GANDHI, and from BILL GATES to DOCTOR YOUNIS, you would experience that there are such people who understood their envy, and not even they controlled it but shaped it in a positive manner, and due to this they are the landmarks of success. The same happened with AMJAD. He was born with poor looks in contrast to MAZHAR'S who was a man of sound looks. Nature encountered him with MAZHAR so that he may feel the envy and in the long run, this envy should create something positively in him through which he can excel in life.  He didn't understand his strength and he flowed down in the tides of envy. He not even destroyed MAZHAR but himself too. If AMJAD has converted his strength of envy into success, he would have been the best doctor of the country and people would have appreciated his ugliness.
            Now I would steer towards the technique through which we can challenge the emotion of envy in a positive way. It is very easy and simple. We ought to be jealous from someone and should work hard. If we worked eight hours before being jealous, so now we should increase it up to twelve hours. In the same perspective, after one month of struggle this envy should be in the shape of applauds and the deity of success would kiss our fore head. Only hard work is such feelings which reshapes envy into appreciation and just fancy the trauma of human psychology, whenever he is involved in jealousy, he sides away the hard work and receives the doom of AMJAD. envy can be a blessing for human if someone understand the worth of envy, and learns its positive use then for success in the world he wont need any other emotion as envy can be a best friend of human as well.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mahatma Gandhi's words for our prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

Mahatma Gandhi, statement published in “Young India”, 1924:
“I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind… I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life.”

Thursday, June 3, 2010

English Version of the Poem "Ek Kaam Karna"

"Eik Kam Kerna...."

Suno ! Eik Kam Kerna.
Chand say kuch mati lana
Pher us say du but bunana,
eik teray jaisa or eik meray jaisa
Or un buton ko toor dena,
Taakay tum mein kuch kuch mein reh jaon
Muj mein kuch kuch tum...

English Version:
"Comply with a Task"
listen! comply with a task
from moon get some soil'
carve two ediolon from thee
one resembles thou, the other thy self
and strike both of them hard
for some parts to be merged in me,
and the remaining in you…